Linux Dedicated Server Grid Package Purchase Page


LEEWARE-LWC5X5 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 5 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (10.2Ghz)
Random Access Memory 5 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (20.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 5 x 200GB (1TB) / 250GB (1.2TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
1500GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 5Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate 10Mbit/s
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $150.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC10X5 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 10 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (22Ghz)
Random Access Memory 10 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (40.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 10 x 200GB (2TB) / 250GB (2.5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
1500GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 5Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate 10Mbit/s
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $200.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC20X5 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 20 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (44.2Ghz)
Random Access Memory 20 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (80.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 20 x 200GB (4TB) / 250GB (5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
1500GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 5Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate 10Mbit/s
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $300.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC5X10 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 5 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (10.2Ghz)
Random Access Memory 5 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (20.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 5 x 200GB (1TB) / 250GB (1.2TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
3000GB (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 10Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate None
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $200.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC10X10 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 10 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (22Ghz)
Random Access Memory 10 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (40.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 10 x 200GB (2TB) / 250GB (2.5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
3000GB (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 10Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate None
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $300.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC20X10 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 20 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (44Ghz)
Random Access Memory 20 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (80.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 20 x 200GB (4TB) / 250GB (5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
3000GB (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 10Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $400.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC5X20 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 5 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (10.2Ghz)
Random Access Memory 5 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (20.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 5 x 200GB (1TB) / 250GB (1.2TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
6000GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 20Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $500.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC10X20 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 10 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (22Ghz)
Random Access Memory 10 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (40.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 10 x 200GB (2TB) / 250GB (2.5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
6000GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 20Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $600.00 USD
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LEEWARE-LWC20X20 Product Details

Central Processing Unit 20 x Single Core x64 3400+ / LE-1250 (44Ghz)
Random Access Memory 20 x 4GB DDR / DDR2 (80.0GB)
Hard Disk Drive 20 x 200GB (4TB) / 250GB (5TB)
Operating System CentOS 5.x 64-bit
Monthly Bandwidth Volume
6000GB  (Pooled)
Average Rate Policy 20Mbit/s
Max Burst Rate None
Support Self Managed / Unmanaged
Terms month-to-month
Setup Fee Free $0
Acceptable Use Policies Click Here To Review
Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) $700.00 USD
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